People passionate about nature

Naturescape Manitoba - All You Need is a Little Space

Naturescape Manitoba book cover photo taken by Ian Ward.


This is a book for people who want to bring back a bit of the natural world to their surroundings, attract more birds and butterflies to their garden, or simply do something different in their yard. It is for people who want to enrich their perennial beds with native wildflowers or plant some berry bushes to attract migrating birds.

This is a how-to book. It suggests a wide variety of projects – large and small, simple one-day projects and larger multi-year projects, as well as everything in between. They are mostly projects for your yard, only requiring a couple of square metres of space, but some are larger and more ambitious, and still others are suited to schoolyards, other public spaces or larger properties.

This is a source book. It provides lists of species native to the Prairies Ecozone of Manitoba – wildflowers, shrubs, trees, vines and grasses, and the birds, butterflies and other animals that live on and among them. It lists local sources* for native plants and seeds, and provides tips for growing them. It explains how to reduce watering, and how and why to avoid herbicides and pesticides.

This book is written for people who enjoy their gardens, care about our environment, and want to restore some of the natural diversity of our community.  All you need is a little space!

Click here to purchase the book ($20 plus shipping) from the Nature Manitoba on-line store.

* Some of the information in the book’s Resource Appendix has changed since it was published, including contact information and names of some organizations and programs. Click Here for an up-to-date list of good resources on native prairie plant and seed sources, websites, books and contacts.