People passionate about nature

Mushrooms *FULL*


Donna Kurt


Earl Grey Community Club 360 Cockburn St. North


Monday, March 14, 2022

Start Time: 

7:30 pm (Doors open at 7pm)


$5 for Nature Manitoba members, $10 for non-members.

This workshop is now full.

If you have registered for this event, an email will be sent one week prior to confirm if the event will be held in-person or virtually. Last-minute cancellations may be necessary if a presenter becomes ill or needs to isolate. Please check your email or our site on the day of the event to confirm.

The workshop covers identification of a variety of popular edible and medicinal mushrooms common to Manitoba and NW Ontario, differentiation from their non-edible or toxic look-a-likes, various aspects of their evolved relationships to other species as well as cultivation, preparation, and safety.

Registration for the 2025 Nature Manitoba workshops will open for members on January 1, 2025