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The immature mosquito: ambassadors to the aquatic world: Most people around the world, but especially those living in Manitoba, invest a lot of time and effort in killing mosquitoes. But wiping out the mosquitoes because they are a nuisance or a vector for virus transmission, is not necessarily the answer to the problem. A larvicidal spray campaign is considered the most efficient recourse to get rid of the unwanted adult pests. In so doing, there is a risk of ‘throwing out the baby with the bath water’.
The purpose of this presentation is to celebrate the secret immature life stages of the mosquito. The role that these larvae play in the aquatic ecosystem cannot be underestimated. Slide photos of the immature stages does not do it any justice either. To truly appreciate the value of life in a stagnant pool of water, we need to see the creatures in their natural environment. This way, we can admire the intricate interactions they have with their physical and biological surroundings. Come and see these adorable modern day ‘sea monkeys’ in action in a sample of pond water. Discussion and debates are also very welcome.