People passionate about nature



Randy Mooi


Earl Grey Community Club, 360 Cockburn St. North


Monday, March 4, 2024

Start Time: 

7:30 pm


$10 for Nature Manitoba members (or students), $15 for non-members

The Natural and Unnatural History of Bison in Manitoba – Not the Same Old Story. What more could there be to know about bison in Manitoba? Did you know that as many as five species of bison have wandered across the province over the last 40,000 years, or that Manitobans were instrumental in saving the Plains bison from extinction?

Using examples from specimens held at the Manitoba Museum, Dr. Randall Mooi, Curator of Zoology, will explore the unique and sometimes quirky history of these magnificent animals through the fossil record to today. He will also give you a brief introduction to bison-related elements of the recently renovated Prairies Gallery at the Museum.


Buy tickets at Eventbrite for the Bison workshop

Registration for the 2025 Nature Manitoba workshops will open for members on January 1, 2025