People passionate about nature

Animals Without Backbones


James Whitelaw


Earl Grey Community Club 360 Cockburn St. North


Monday, February 14, 2022

Start Time: 

7:30 pm (Doors open at 7pm)


$5 for Nature Manitoba members, $10 for non-members

If you have registered for this event, an email will be sent one week prior to confirm if the event will be held in-person or virtually. Last-minute cancellations may be necessary if a presenter becomes ill or needs to isolate. Please check your email or our site on the day of the event to confirm.

Many of us are familiar with the more conspicuous wildlife around us such as birds and mammals. We are much less aware, with exception of a few charismatic groups such as butterflies, of the enormous variety of invertebrates in Manitoba.  This workshop will be an introduction to the animals without backbones to be found in every habitat in the province, including our homes.

Registration for the 2025 Nature Manitoba workshops will open for members on January 1, 2025