People passionate about nature

Past Workshops

Manitoba Thrushes


Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Ward Christianson and Marlene Waldron, Nature Manitoba Birders

**FULL** This workshop is full! To be added to the waitlist for this workhop, please email or call our office at or 204-943-9029

Join Ward and Marlene to learn how to separate Manitoba's thrushes from each other and their look-a-like cousins. Ward will also discuss where and when to find these varied songsters.


Creepy-Crawlies of Manitoba


Tuesday, March 5, 2019


James Whitelaw, Nature Manitoba Birder

Most nature lovers are familiar with birds and other vertebrates, but aside from a few groups such as butterflies, know little about the vastly more numerous and diverse invertebrates (animals without backbones) that live in Manitoba. This workshop aims to help you put a name to invertebrates that we encounter in the countryside, in our yards and that share our homes.



Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Kateryn Rochon, Ass't Professor of Veterinary & Wildlife Entomology, U of M

Wood tick, deer tick, dog tick, blacklegged tick: what's the difference and why do you need to know? Come learn all about ticks! The program will cover common human pet biting species in Manitoba, their life cycle, some of the pathogens they can transmit, how to protect yourself from tick bites and what to do if you get a bite anyway.

Morels & Other Fungi *waitlisted*


Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Dr. David Punter, Retired Professor of Botany from the University of Manitoba

*Please note: This workshop is now full. Continue through registration to have your name added to the waitlist. We will contact you if a spot opens up or if we have enough interest to schedule a second date.*

Morels are the mushrooms that appear in the spring while most other fungi can be found in late August and September. Participants in this workshop will begin learning to identify mushrooms in time for the morel season. 

Sparrows in Migration *waitlisted*


Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Ward Christianson, Nature Manitoba Birder

*Please note: This workshop is now full. Continue through registration to have your name added to the waitlist. We will contact you if a spot opens up.*

Do you enjoy watching birds, but think identification of sparrows (“little brown jobs”) is for someone else? Come and learn to be that someone! Ward will help you sort out the important field marks for successful sparrow identification.


Attracting Birds to Your Yard - The Winnipeg Way *waitlisted*


Tuesday, March 13, 2018


James Whitelaw, Nature Manitoba Birder

*Please note: This workshop is now full. Continue through registration to have your name added to the waitlist. We will contact you if a spot opens up.*

This workshop will describe the variety of birds, from permanent residents to occasional visitors, which may be found in urban and suburban yards. We will also discuss ways to increase the attractiveness of your garden to birds
