People passionate about nature

Tall Grass Seasons: A year in the life of Manitoba's tall-grass prairie

by Ian Ward and Donna Danyluk

This visual and musical celebration of the tall-grass prairie will take you through the four seasons of one of Canada’s most endangered ecosystems. For over 20 years, photographers and naturalists Ian Ward and Donna Danyluk spent countless hours at Manitoba’s Tall-grass Prairie Preserve, near the communities of Tolstoi, Gardenton and Stuartburn in southeastern Manitoba.

The Preserve protects habitat for over 900 plant, animal and insect species, including the iconic Western Prairie Fringed Orchid, the only place in Canada where this endangered species is found.

All proceeds from the sale of this CD/DVD will go to support the work of Nature Manitoba, the organization that conducted the initial surveys to locate remnants of tall-grass prairie in Manitoba and, as a partner in the Critical Wildlife Habitat Program, was instrumental in the establishment of the Preserve.

Duration: 13:44


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