Outdoor Activities:
Event Date:
Contact / Registration:
Kevin & Anita Miller -- register at k.a.miller@mts.net . 19 people have registered as of July 9. One is a bow paddler who is hoping a canoe owner without a bow paddler will register.
Time: Meet before 9:30 AM. Launch before 10:00.
Launch location: Rue Dumoulin & Rue Maisonneuve. There is a large grassy area to launch from. This is point #40 on the Paddling the Seine map.
Description: We will paddle a completely different section of the river than we paddled on June 26, and mostly different from the section we paddled on May 29.
From the launch location, paddle upstream to Morier Park, have lunch, and then paddle downstream back to the launch location. 12K. But the Red River (mouth of the Seine River) is only 700 metres further downstream, so the plan is to also do it out-and-back. We will pass under bridges 12 times.
This is section 1 plus the north third of section 2 on the Paddling the Seine map. During low water levels, the Tessa Rapids (point #39 on the Paddling the Seine map) is a difficult obstacle, but it won't be a problem at the current high water levels.
JP Brunet will be providing history interpretation. He is a past-president and long-time volunteer with Save Our Seine, and has led a Jane's Walk in the area of the Seine we will be paddling.
Boats: If you don’t have a canoe or kayak, we can try to partner you with a canoe owner who is looking for a bow paddler.
Rating: Novice (bow paddler in the canoe of an experienced stern paddler) to intermediate.
Bring: Lunch, water, sunscreen, your name tag, and extra warm clothes.