People passionate about nature

Hike Beaudry Provincial Park trails

Outdoor Activities: 

Event Date: 

January 18, 2023

Trip Rating: 


Contact / Registration: 

Daniela Rempel (register by email at  Nature Manitoba's COVID-19 protocols (effective 2022-Sep-15): Here.

Time / Location: Meet at 10:00 AM in the first parking lot you come to on the Beaudry Provincial Park access road (not the main parking lot).  A provincial park vehicle permit is needed.

Description: Hike on the Maple and Oak trails in Beaudry Provincial Park. The river crossing is now open, so we will be able to access these trails. There has not been much recent snow, so I am guessing these trails are now somewhat packed down. There are some ups and downs. Bring poles if you wish. The total distance of both trails is 6.7 km. After the hike we can go and have coffee / bite at the Headingley Grill on Bridge Road; let me know if you are coming.

Bring: Your name tag.

Activity Type: