People passionate about nature

Dog-friendly hike at the Cedar Bog trail in Birds Hill Park

Outdoor Activities: 

Event Date: 

March 22, 2023

Trip Rating: 


Contact / Registration: 

Ed Rajfur -- register by email at

Location / Time: Meet at the Cedar Bog parking lot in Birds Hill Park at 1:00 PM.

Description: Hike ~6 km to the Beaver Habitat Area, aka "The Lake". Loop back via a different route. Approx 2.5 hours.
The trails should be packed snow suitable for winter boots, but if we get a fresh dump of snow, bring snowshoes.

Toilet: There is a toilet at the parking lot.

Bring: Your name tag and your favourite beverage for a social gathering back at the parking lot after the hike. Hiking pole(s) can be helpful for a few ups and downs, but are not required.

Activity Type: