Outdoor Activities:
Event Date:
Contact / Registration:
Linda Dreger (register by email at l_dreger@msn.com). Please let me know if you will be joining the group for lunch so reservations can be made. Nature Manitoba's COVID-19 protocols (effective 2022-Sep-22): Here.
Location / Time: Meet at Oasis Church parking lot at 11:00 AM (940 Elmhurst Road).
Description: Walk on the Harte Trail in Charleswood, followed by lunch at the Park Café in the Qualico Family Centre in Assiniboine Park (330 Assiniboine Park Drive). The Harte Trail is built on an old railway bed, running through a narrow strip of wilderness. The surface is crushed limestone. Deer tracks are often spotted along or on the trail.
Distance: We will walk for approximately 45 minutes before turning around and retracing our steps, with total walking time around 1.5 hours. Distance walked will be 6 to 7 km.
Bring: Your name tag and warm clothing.