Outdoor Activities:
Event Date:
Trip Leader:
Contact / Registration:
Kevin & Anita Miller (register by email at k.a.miller@mts.net). Nature Manitoba's COVID-19 protocols (effective 2022-Sep-15): Here.
On Monday December 5 we postponed this activity from December 7 to December 14 because of a very cold weather forecast for December 7. Registration was reopened until Friday December 9
Location: Windsor Park Nordic Centre
Time: Lessons from 1:00 to 2:00 PM.
We will gather inside the clubhouse at 12:30 to sign-in, buy trail passes, and get ready. If your skis require grip wax, you should probably do that at home, but Kevin & Anita will be in the clubhouse at 12:15 to answer any equipment/waxing questions. Shortly before 1:00, we'll meet our instructors and head outside via the back door. If you are uncomfortable being in the clubhouse, you can meet us at the back door at 1:00.
Description: We've offered these lessons each December since 2014 (except 2020). It's been a very successful activity. Last year we had 33 participants divided into five groups, each with a CANSI instructor.
Depending on the desires and skill levels of participants, possible instruction groups could be:
1. Improve (or learn) diagonal stride (the basic cross country skiing technique) – beginner, novice, and participants who have not skied very much in the past few years
The goal of this lesson is for participants to learn or improve diagonal striding. The instructor will work with this group in the Practice Grid area.
2. Improve your diagonal stride (the basic cross country skiing technique) – intermediate or getting there, and have skied a fair amount in the past
The goal of this lesson is for participants to improve diagonal striding and become a more efficient skier. Some hills skills may be covered.
3. Review/refresh basic skills and learn/refresh other techniques – intermediate to advanced
The goal of this lesson is to become a more efficient (or faster) skier by dialing in your diagonal stride and then learn/refresh other techniques.
4. Review/refresh basic skills and learn/refresh more advanced techniques -- advanced
The goal of this lesson is to become a more efficient (or faster) skier by dialing in your diagonal stride and then learn/refresh other techniques such as turning, kick-double-poling (which is ~20% more efficient than diagonal stride on flat terrain and very slight downhills), and/or double-poling (which is another ~20% more efficient). There may also be a brief refresher on hills.
5. Hills – intermediate
The goal of this lesson will be to ascend a moderately steep hill using diagonal stride technique, ascend a short steep hill with herringbone technique, and to descend these two hills safely and confidently. Hopefully there will be time to work on both descending and ascending; descending is the priority.
Cost: Participants will pay for their share of the instructors' fees (likely $5+ of each instructor's $35 fee) and a Windsor Park Nordic Centre trail fee.
Weather: Instruction involves some standing around, and the training grid at the Windsor Park Nordic Centre is not well sheltered. Please dress warmer than you would usually dress for skiing.
Registration: If you are interested (or might be interested) in attending this activity, please contact the leaders ASAP to register ... or if you have questions or comments. Please indicate which of the five instruction groups you'd prefer, and also specific skills you'd like to acquire. The more info you provide when registering, the more likely we can create a group that will meet your expectations. A confirmation email message will be sent as registrations are received.
The registration deadline is Friday December 9 at 11:59 PM. At that time, all registrants will be contacted and asked if they will commit to the activity by agreeing to pay in-person at the Windsor Park Nordic Centre on Wednesday December 7 (or paying by e-transfer if they don't attend the lessons). We will then form instruction groups and hire the instructors.
Cancellation: This activity will be cancelled or postponed if snow conditions are poor, if the number of registrations is insufficient to form instruction groups, and/or if the forecast temperature/windchill is too cold. It's likely that snow conditions will be good because the Windsor Park Nordic Centre now has snow making equipment, and their goal is to have skiable snow on the west side of the Seine River by December 1.
Bring: Your name tag. Also your skis/boots/poles (which you've checked out and tried on a few days earlier), or you can rent equipment at the Windsor Park Nordic Centre. All rental skis were new for 2021-2022. All rental classic skis are skin skis.