People passionate about nature

2023 AGM Notice

Nature Manitoba's 2023 Annual General Meeting

The AGM was held in-person at the Franco-Manitoban Cultural Centre (340 Provencher Blvd), Pauline-Boutal Hall, on March 27, 2023 at 7pm.

2022 Reports

Below are links to NM's annual and financial reports. If you are a voting member please review these documents prior to attending the meeting if possible. We will not be handing out paper copies of our reports at the AGM.

Nature Manitoba Annual Report 2022

Nature Manitoba Financial Report 2022 

Nature Manitoba 2023 Agenda 


27 MARCH 2023  7:00 pm

1. Welcome
2. Minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting March 2022
3. Annual Report of the President and Committee reports
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Appointment of Auditors for 2023
6. Resolutions
7. Election of Board Members
8. Election of Executive Members
9. Announcement  of Awards
10. Adjournment


2023/2024 Proposed Slate of Officers and Board Members of Nature Manitoba
BOARD MEMBERS (3 year terms)

EXECUTIVE (1year term)

President -  Sandy HayGlass

Executive Vice President -  Don Himbeault

Vice President -  James Whitelaw

Treasurer -  Andre Laberge

Secretary - Katrina Froese

Past President -  Jack Dubois

BOARD MEMBERS (3 year terms)

Term ending Mar/2026

Meredith Stoesz

Marika Olynyk

John Schulz

Read more about our proposed Slate of Officers and Board Members here.



Coming soon if any resolutions are brought forth.


The Trail to Hike Manitoba

Description: Join Jaime Manness from Hike Manitoba to learn how a love for exploring our province developed into a small business with a goal of encouraging others to explore Manitoba. She'll share the original story of Hike Manitoba, a bit about each of the guidebooks, and about her favourite hiking trails across the province.