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Magnolia Warbler

Above: Magnolia Warbler by Christian Artuso

How Do I Recognize It?

Under the grey head, mature males have a black facial mask that extends to a black back. A white “eyebrow” or supercilium caps the eye, which is ringed in white below; the yellow throat bears a necklace of heavy black streaks over a bright yellow breast and flank. The rump is yellow. The belly is white. A large white patch decorates each wing. Mature females and juveniles are duller overall. The lack of an obvious facial mask and eyebrow shows off the greyish head; a pale grey neck ring reaches to the greenish back. Two narrow white wing bars are seen on the wings.  Mature females may at times show a moderately heavy necklace. This lively warbler often fans its relatively long tail, showing off the white-banded tail pattern that is diagnostic for this species.

Does It Migrate?

Magnolia Warblers winter in eastern Mexico to southern Central America, and the Carribbean. 

Above: Magnolia Warbler by Christian Artuso

Where Does It Live?

Nesting occurs in the boreal forest. In Manitoba, preferred habitat is in mixed forest with an abundance of young  spruce trees, from southern to central lattitudes. The breeding range stretches from Newfoundland to British Columbia and Yukon. They also breed in northeastern USA, and into the Appalachian mountains and south to Virginia.

Where Can I See It?

Locations in Whiteshell and Nopiming provincial parks, Riding Mountain National Park and Grand Rapids area are good places to look for this songbird.

Above: Magnolia Warbler by Christian Artuso

Conservation Status:

At the moment, this species is considered stable across its entire range, however,  some areas report declines, others slight increases. Future threats here may include climate warming and loss of breeding habitat due to logging, as well as other factors.

Did You Know?

Hybridization among Parulidae (New World or Wood warblers) is well-known. A hybrid individual recently discovered at Long Point, Ontario, was determined to be the progeny of a female Chestnut-sided Warbler and a male Magnolia Warbler.

Above: Magnolia Warbler by Christian Artuso