What Does It Look Like?
Killdeers (Charadrius vociferus) are medium sized shorebirds in the plover family. About the size of a robin, they are brown above with white underparts, have long legs and long, reddish tail. Two conspicuous black bands reach across the breast, and the head also appears banded. The bill is short. The large eyes are rimmed in red.
Above: Killdeer by Peter Taylor
Where Does It Live?
Killdeer breed from southeastern Alaska and across Canada to Newfoundland (breeding throughout Manitoba except most northerly areas); also across the USA and as far south as Venezuela and coastal Peru and Chile in South America. Nests are simple scrapes on gravelled soil.
Does It Migrate?
Most northern breeding populations migrate south for the winter to Central America, and as far as Columbia and Venezuela.
Where Can I See It?
This species is very likely the first shorebird seen by most beginner birders, as they inhabit a very wide range of habitats, including parking lots, rooftops, quarries, lawns and golf courses to name just a few. Most often seen in agricultural areas, they can also found in boreal forests. They are visually conspicuous when in flight but are most often detected by their namesake kil-dir calls, which they make frequently during nesting season.
Above: Killdeer by Peter Taylor
This species is considered widespread and numerous.
Did You Know?
Most famous for their distraction displays, Killdeer parents feign injury to lure predators away from nests and chicks.