People passionate about nature

Ice adapted marine mammals in a melting Arctic


Dr. Colin Garroway


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Start Time: 

7:30 pm


Westworth United Church at 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, Winnipeg


$5 for members (non-member rate $10)

The Arctic is warming four times faster than the global average, thus we expect to see the earliest and most significant effects of climate change in Arctic ecosystems. The increase in spatial extent and duration of the Arctic Ocean's ice-free season is of particular concern. All credible emission scenarios predict that Arctic summers will be ice-free by the mid-20th century. This will cause substantial ecosystem disruption by threatening Arctic species that rely on the seasonal features of Arctic environments. I'll talk about the consequences of sea ice loss for Arctic whales and polar bears.

Dr. Colin Garroway is an Associate Professor at the University of Manitoba. His research group studies rapid evolution in response to environmental change. 

Buy tickets at Eventbrite for the Oct 10, 2023 Discovery Evening. 

Note: Eventbrite ticket sales close at 7pm on October 9, 2023.