People passionate about nature

Exploring the Brokenhead River


Dustin Molinski - Public Programs Coordinator, Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre


Monday, February 7, 2022

Start Time: 

7:30 pm


Franco-Manitoban Cultural Centre, 340 Provencher Blvd - Pauline-Boutal Theatre


$5 for members (non-member rate $10)

This event will be offered in-person. Last-minute cancellations may be necessary if a presenter becomes ill or needs to isolate. Please check our site on the day of the event to confirm.

We may be in the depths of winter, but spring is around the corner! There's no better time to start dreaming of paddles in the water.

Join us on a journey down the Brokenhead River and see what this river has to offer.

Presented by Dusty Molinski, author "Through Field and Forest: A Canoe Companion for the Brokenhead River".

What you need to know if you plan to attend a Discovery Evening:

• Bring your proof of vaccination (QR code card or app). It’s required.

• Don’t come if you don’t feel well or have been told to isolate.

• You must wear your mask at all times inside the Franco Manitoban Cultural Centre.

• Please have your QR code and entry fee ready in advance. $5 members, $10 non-members.

• Come to the large room called Pauline-Boutal for lots of social distancing space.

Please note: the events begin at 7:30pm, but doors open at 7pm. We recommend arriving early due to the added time required to check QR codes.