People passionate about nature


Nutimik Lake Environs Hiking Excursion

August 12, 2017
General Trips / INTERMEDIATE

Hike about 13-15 km. on various trails around Nutimik Lake, with a visit to the Whiteshell Museum and Bannock Point petroforms. This is a full-day event with a return-to-Winnipeg time later in the evening.

Trip Leader: 

Contact / Registration: 

Please register after August 4 by emailing

Grand Marais and Grand Beach Hike

May 17, 2017

Hike along the Trans Canada Trail on the east shore of Lake Winnipeg, from the Lakeshore Heights cottage area right up to Grand Beach Provincial Park (ca. 10-12 km.).


Contact / Registration: 

Contact  Rose Kuzina at after May 9. Note: Advise Rose if you wish a more leisurely outing and every attempt will be made to accommodate this option.

Hike on a new section of Trans Canada Trail in Lac du Bonnet area

May 24, 2017

Hike from Pinawa Dam west and then north through a wildlife management area, on a new trail.   Distance about 10 km one way, flexible depending on the group. 


Contact / Registration: 

Contact trip leader Kathy Picard 1-204-345-8422 or Note: Advise Kathy if you wish a more leisurely outing and every attempt will be made to accommodate this option.

Hike in Whiteshell Provincial Park

August 16, 2017

Hike in Whiteshell Provincial Park (for those not going to Riding Mtn.). Hike about 12-14 km. on the trails around West Hawk Lake.


Contact / Registration: 

Contact Rose Kuzina at after August 8. Note: Advise Rose if you wish a more leisurely outing and every attempt will be made to accommodate this option

Hike Bittersweet Ski Trails

October 11, 2017

Hike Bittersweet Ski Trails (near Asherne, MB), with possibility of ski trail maintenance if needed.


Contact / Registration: 

Contact Marilyn Hearn 204-895-4659 or Note: Advise Marilyn if you wish a more leisurely outing and every attempt will be made to accommodate this option.

Fall Hike around Lake Minnewasta just outside Morden

October 18, 2017

Fall Hike around Lake Minnewasta just outside Morden enjoying the scenic lake views on a single track trail with some challenging terrain.


Contact / Registration: 

Contact Ted Harvey or 204-889-5725. Note: Advise Ted if you wish a more leisurely outing and every attempt will be made to accommodate this option.

Spurge Purge and Plant Walk

June 24, 2017
General Trips / INTERMEDIATE

Saturday June 24 or Sunday June 25 - Spurge Purge and Plant Walk - Join the Habitat Committee on their annual mission to count and pull out leafy spurge in study plots on one of our prairies. The plan is to meet at 9 a.m. at the Loewen Prairie (4 km east of Tolstoi on PR 209) and work for 2-3 hours, then eat lunch at the Interpretive Trail and go for a plant walk.

Contact / Registration: 

Please register with Marilyn Latta at 204-253-9245 ahead of time so that you can be notified of any changes in scheduling. Car pooling will be arranged as needed.

Day of exploring the banks of the Red and Seine River

July 15, 2017
General Trips / NOVICE

Day of exploring the banks of the Red and Seine River , bring your camera, sketch pad .We are going to identify plants, insects and birds .Are they food, medicine or poison. You may be even inspired to write a poem or short story. The day will be followed  by a potluck and BBQ .Dress appropriately , bring hat, water and snacks. If you have identification guides please bring them.

Trip Leader: 

Hike 'n Eat Around the Interlake and Eriksdale

November 5, 2017
General Trips / INTERMEDIATE

Hike for ca. 10-12 km. up in the Interlake region along the Pioneer Trail system and Lundar Beach Provincial Park. Stagger into Eriksdale for its fall dinner. For Nature Manitoba members only.

Trip Leader: 

Contact / Registration: 

Register after Oct 29th by emailing

Pine Point Rapids Hike

September 23, 2017
General Trips / NOVICE

Please join Roger on a hike on pittoresque Pine Point Rapids hike in Whiteshell Provincial Park followed by a potluck .

Meeting place is 9 am in McDonalds parking lot at Fermor and Lakewood ( Southdale ) .Carpooling will be arranged and drivers should have a MB park pass.

Trip Leader: 

Contact / Registration: 

Please register with Roger at 204-451-1219

South end of Mantario Trail in direction of Caribou Lake

October 7, 2017
General Trips / INTERMEDIATE

Please join Roger on hike on rocky south end of Mantario trail in Whiteshell Provincial Park . There are ups and downs on this trail. The hike will go in direction of Caribou Lake and with group we will see how far we want to go . Hike will be followed by a potluck. We will meet at 9 am at McDonalds parking lot at Fermor and Lakewood ( Southdale). Carpooling will be arranged .

Trip Leader: 

Contact / Registration: 

To register please call Roger at 204-451-1219

Bird's Hill Provincial Park Hike

November 18, 2017
General Trips / INTERMEDIATE

Please join Roger on hike on Tamarack Trail in Bird's Hill  Provincial Park . Drivers will need provincial park pass .

Meet at 9 am at Perkins parking lot at Highway 59 ( Lagimodière) and Regent .Dress warmly and bring appropriate footwear , water and snacks.

Trip Leader: 

Contact / Registration: 

To register please call Roger at 204-451-1219
