Skating at East St Paul Arena
Contact / Registration: Kevin & Anita Miller -- register at k.a.miller@mts.net 12 people have registered as of October 29.
Location: East St Paul Arena, 266 Hoddinott Road
Time: Arrive at the arena at 11:00 AM. Public skating is from 11:15 to 12:30.
Cost: Free.
Description: We will arrive before 11:00 and be located just inside the arena where you will sign-in. We'll direct you to the public skating dressing room. You can skate for the full 75 minutes or however long you like. Skating rules are similar to public skating at Winnipeg arenas except there won't be a beginner's/kid's area pyloned off at one end of the ice because there will be very few people on the ice. Skating direction -- clockwise vs counter-clockwise -- will change every 15 minutes. East St Paul Arena -- public skating
Lunch: We can eat a bagged lunch in the arena after skating. Also, Jonesy's Restaurant is located 3 km away in Birds Hill Town near the intersection of Hoddinott Road and Birds Hill Road.
Bring: Your name tag.
During this late fall outing we should see some lingering waterfowl, perhaps a Spruce Grouse or two, plenty of Bald Eagles and a few typical “winter” birds. Meet at the Garden City Shopping Centre parking lot (northwest corner) before 8 a.m. so that we can carpool from there. Contact Rudolf Koes at 204-661-0763 or rkoes@mymts.net or Garry Budyk at 204-661-1062 or gbudyk@shaw.ca to register or for more information.
McGillivray Falls Trail in Whiteshell Provincial Park
Contact / Registration: To register call Roger at 204-451-1219
Join Roger for hike at McGillivray Falls in Whiteshell Provincial Park and area.
Please dress appropriately for the weather including hat and proper footwear . Bring water and lunch .
Meet at 9 am at McDonald's and COOP Foodstore parking lot off Fermor Ave and Lakewood Blvd in Southdale part of Winnipeg .
Carpooling will be arranged and driver should have valid provincial park pass.
Wild Pigs a Manitoba Threat
Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2024 Location: Westworth United Church at 1750 Grosvenor Avenue Admission: $5 for members (non-member rate $10) Wild pigs are defined as any pig outside of a fence, but the main type of wild pig that causes problems is the Eurasian wild boar. This hardy invasive species is a major threat to environmental health, animal health and human safety. They can alter ecosystems through their destructive feeding behaviours, they can act as carriers for many animal diseases including foreign animal diseases , and they can pose a significant risk to human safety. Squeal on Pigs Manitoba is a collaborative effort among livestock producers, government and non-governmental organizations, landowners and indigenous communities to coordinate the efforts to first control, and eventually eliminate, wild pigs from Manitoba.

Wayne retired as Chief Veterinary Officer for the Province of Manitoba after holding previous positions in the federal government, in international development, in private practice and in academia. Since 2022, he has been coordinator of Squeal on Pigs Manitoba, an initiative to control and eventually eliminate wild pigs from the province.
Harvest Manitoba volunteer opportunity
Contact / Registration: Christine Urban -- register at csurban52@gmail.com starting November 7. The maximum number of volunteers is 25.
Description: Once again we can volunteer at Harvest Manitoba sorting food. We have done this several times now, and our efficient work is much appreciated.
Time: 9:30 to noon. Please arrive by 9:15.
Location: Harvest Manitoba warehouse, 1085 Winnipeg Ave. Parking is available in the lot opposite the warehouse, and some on the street. Watch the signs.
Lunch: We may once again go out for lunch at Fortune Cooking (1045 St James Street) following our work. You can decide that day.
Bring: Your name tag.
St Norbert Walk
Location / Time: Meet at the St Norbert Community Centre parking lot, 3450 Pembina Highway at 10:30 AM.
Description: Walk from St Norbert Community Centre to Pollock Island, which is encircled by the Red and LaSalle rivers. On your return, visit the oldest surviving open air chapel, and hike along the Dike Foot trail beside the Lemay Forest.
Distance: ~8 km.
Lunch: If it is too cold for lunch outside, there is a Subway restaurant close by.
Toilet: At Red River Co-op, across Pembina Highway.
Bring: Your name tag.
Walk & Lunch in North Kildonan
Location / Time: Meet at Superstore, 1035 Gateway Road, at 9:45 AM. Start at 10:00.
Description: Walk north along Gateway on the Northeast Pioneers Greenway to Bunn's Creek Parkway. Walk through Bunn's Creek Centennial Park to Henderson Hwy. Make our way south along Henderson to McIvor Mall. Lunch at 11:45 AM at Stella's, or folks can bring lunch as there are tables and chairs in the mall by Stella's. Head back along McIvor Ave. Options going back to Superstore: Shorter route is east on McIvor to Gateway then south to Superstore. Scenic route is back through Bunns Creek Parkway to Superstore. End at approximately 3 PM. Distance: 12 km Please indicate if you are planning to eat at Stella's by Monday November 25.
Bring: Your name tag.