People passionate about nature

Articles & Announcements

A History of Manitoba Nature Magazine

By: Robert E. Wrigley

Long-standing Nature Manitoba members will recall a receiving a magazine called Manitoba Nature as part of their annual membership dues. Each quarterly issue featured about a half-dozen articles on a wide variety of topics dealing with the natural world in our province, written mainly by NM members and staff of the Manitoba Museum, the three local universities, and Manitoba Conservation.

100 Years of NM's Indoor Program

By Sandy HayGlass (with lots of help from Donna Danyluk, Randy Mooi and Julia Schoen)

Indoor educational programs have been an integral part of Nature Manitoba’s activities for 100 years! Nature education goes hand in hand with outdoor activities, and these programs offer a warm, indoor nature experience during the cooler months of the year.

History of the Victoria Beach Cabin

by Don Himbeault

The history of the Victoria Beach Cabin goes back to 1903 - just a few years after Nature Manitoba was formed (then called the Natural History Society of Manitoba). One of the first initiatives of the Natural History Society was to create a club house and collecting station. This would serve as a headquarters for surveying and scientific studies of natural history.

NM Receives Winnipeg Foundation Grant

Nature Manitoba would like to thank the Winnipeg Foundation for providing our organization with a Stabilization Grant. This grant is intended to support our organization through financial loss due to COVID-19. 

The Winnipeg Foundation connects donors from all walks of life with local charitable organizations that help our city flourish, for all. The Foundation is an endowment-based organization which means gifts received are pooled and invested. The income generated provides a stable source of support for our community For Good. Forever.

A Snapshot of Butterflies in Southeast Manitoba - Part 4

by Peter Taylor

Part 4: Fritillaries (Speyeria, Boloria, Euptoieta)

Atlantis Fritillary (1347 reported)
Northwestern Fritillary (2 reported)
Great Spangled Fritillary (634 reported)
Aphrodite Fritillary (500 reported)
Meadow Fritillary (443 reported)
Silver-bordered Fritillary (242 reported)
Arctic [Purple] Fritillary (245 reported)
Frigga Fritillary (2 reported)
Freija Fritillary (13 reported)
Bog Fritillary (1 reported)
Variegated Fritillary (28 reported)

Nature Manitoba’s History of Birding


Bird studies (observations, public presentations, and documentation) and bird-watching outings have both been major activities of Nature Manitoba and its members since NM was founded in 1920. Nature Manitoba (then called the Natural History Society) was originally formed when members from the Manitoba Historical Society and a Manitoba Audubon group decided to amalgamate. In fact, the newsletter we now know as Nature Manitoba News originated as a newsletter for NM’s “ornithological section” in 1962.
