People passionate about nature

Articles & Announcements

Membership Volunteers

Wanted: Membership Volunteers

Membership management activities are fundamental to a healthy and active organization. Nature Manitoba is looking for volunteers who are interested in contributing to one or more membership activities. This volunteer opportunity can be done remotely. Absences due to travel can be accommodated with no volunteering in July and August.

Status: Volunteer position

Welcome Christa!

My name is Christa Yeates and I am working together with Simone as Discovery Evening Coordinators. This is my first time volunteering with Nature Manitoba and I look forward to meeting great people and doing a lot of learning.

Welcome Simone!

Hello, my name is Simone Faucher and I am working together with Christa as Discovery Evening Coordinators. I love to learn and have found I learn best when working with others. I am passionate about science communication and environmental education at all ages, which I think makes me a perfect fit for this position!

Volunteer with the Technology Committee Member

Wanted: Technology Committee Members

The Nature Manitoba technology committee is a working committee that is focused on leveraging technology to support efficient delivery of services and making sound decisions about investing in technology. We are currently looking for volunteers who are passionate about managing information, understanding business needs, or supporting programs with technology.

Status: Volunteer position

2022 Garden Tour A Success

Photos above provided by Tim Evans.

My name is Tim Evans, a Registered Massage Therapist for over 26 years and a gardener for even longer. I am also a long-time friend of Julia Schoen, past coordinator for Nature Manitoba’s garden tours. Julia got me involved many years ago when showing my garden from my previous home on one of the Nature Manitoba garden tours. Since then I have become ‘hooked’ on garden tours.

Welcome Marissa!

Hello! My name is Marissa Berard (she/her), and I am so excited to get started as the new coordinator for the Manitoba Important Bird Area (IBA) Caretaker Program and the Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative (MCSI). I absolutely love birds, and feel very lucky to have the opportunity to be a part of organizations that value bird conservation and to work alongside wonderful people who are passionate about the natural world.

Garden Tour Volunteers Needed

We are looking for a few last-minute volunteers to help out on the day of our Gardens of Distinction Garden Tour, July 9th, 2022. 

We are hoping to have a team of two volunteers at each garden. As a volunteer on the day of the tour, your responsibilities would be:

1. Arrive at designated garden prior to 9am.

2. Check that everybody participating has their ticket to enter into the garden.

3. Remind people to socially distance, ensure that your gardens don’t get overcrowded.

The Strange Case of the Eastern Red-Winged Blister Beetle

by: Robert E. Wrigley and Deanna Dodgson

Blister beetles are a fascinating family of colourful, world-wide ranging beetles, so-named for the presence of the blistering agent cantharidin in their bodies. Cantharidin is a powerful defensive chemical which is ‘bled’ readily when the insect is disturbed, as Wrigley found out when he handled specimens of the genus Epicauta, which he was collecting for museums.

Purple Martin Migration Research

By Lakesha Smith

Have you ever wondered how birds know when it is time to migrate? They do not have a calendar or a watch which tells them when it is time to go. So how exactly do they know when it is time to leave Winnipeg and migrate down south? This is one of the questions I am currently trying to shed more light onto during my thesis for my master’s of science degree at the University of Manitoba.

Birding for Beginners Series 2022

Nature Manitoba's Birding for Beginners Series is back for 2022!

The perfect way to learn about birds and birding!

If you are interested in learning the basics of birding but don’t know where to start or you need help identifying birds, this series is for you. The outings take place every Tuesday evening from 3 to 31 May and always start at 6:30 p.m. These outings will be led by Ward Christianson and Marlene Waldron, and possibly other knowledgeable birders. No registration is needed.
