People passionate about nature

Articles & Announcements

Flower moths of conservation concern in Manitoba

I (he/him) am an Independent Researcher focusing on Lepidopterans-at-risk including Poweshiek skipperling (Oarisma poweshiek) and Mottled duskywing (Erynnis martialis). I collaborate with local and international communities; independent researchers; specialists in academia; non-profits; and multiple levels of government to try to recover species and ecosystems.; Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

2023 AGM Notice

The AGM was held in-person at the Franco-Manitoban Cultural Centre (340 Provencher Blvd), Pauline-Boutal Hall, on March 27, 2023 at 7pm.

2022 Reports

Below are links to NM's annual and financial reports. If you are a voting member please review these documents prior to attending the meeting if possible. We will not be handing out paper copies of our reports at the AGM.

Skiing in a Wonderland: Winter Ecology

Rime frost (as in this photo) forms under heavy fog conditions (the previous night), causing the supercooled water droplets to freeze on contact with thin objects. Similar-looking hoar frost develops as water molecules undergo direct sublimation on objects, without foggy air. Calm air permits the formation of beautiful crystal formations, which eventually shower to the ground and evaporate .(R. Wrigley)
