People passionate about nature

Articles & Announcements

2024 Garden Tour - Even More Successful!

Above photos taken by Tim Evans and NM staff


2024!  An even more successful garden tour than the year before.   The garden tour went incredibly well, twelve gardens located in Osborne Village, St. Boniface and St. Vital. All gardens varied but were all revered for their distinctive qualities. Eight of the twelve gardens were brand new, never on a garden tour and the four gardens that had been on tour in the past were all incredibly unique and well worth seeing again. Two of the twelve gardens were dedicated seniors whose gardens were notably remarkable!

Who Are The Grey Hares?


Who are the Grey Hares?

Grey Hares is a group within Nature Manitoba of retired and partly retired people who enjoy nature, new experiences, making friends, being physically active, doing meaningful things, and sharing time with like-minded people.

There is an activity every Wednesday during the day, organized by members of the group. More information here.

Protecting Nature by Banning Cosmetic Pesticides

Many Manitobans cultivate biodiversity and protect nature in their yards and gardens by growing native plants and providing food, habitat and water to birds and insects. But since 2022, neighbourhood naturescapes have been threatened by the use of cosmetic pesticides on household lawns. Pesticides are biologically active chemicals that are intended to suppress or kill living things, often used as a method of weed control. However, non-target organisms may be harmed by exposure to pesticides.


2024 Native Habitat Grant Recipients

The following three individuals and organizations (listed in alphabetical order) have been awarded one of the Nature Manitoba Native Habitat Grants for 2024:

Debbie Kilfoyle

The grant will contribute to a multi-year project by landowner Debbie Kilfoyle to establish native prairie permanent cover on approximately 70 acres near Riding Mountain National Park in the RM of Harrison Park.  This restoration project is also supported by an agreement with the Assiniboine West Watershed District.

The project will:

2024 AGM Notice

The AGM will be held in-person at the Westworth United Church, 1750 Grosvenor Avenue, on Tuesday March 26th, 2024 at 7pm.

2023 Reports

Below are links to NM's annual and financial reports. If you are a voting member please review these documents prior to attending the meeting if possible. We will not be handing out paper copies of our reports at the AGM.

Welcome Jamie!

The Bridging the Gap Program is thrilled to introduce our new coordinator Jamie Vann.

Jamie will be joining a renewed steering committee which has been working to plan and update the program. He will be working with Elders and knowledge-keepers to develop and deliver experiences that allow children to explore and learn about the land around them with a two-eyed seeing approach that brings together Indigenous worldviews with western sciences.
