Whether you are an experienced back-country paddler or an adventurous beginner, our Mantario Summer Program is a great way to experience the scenic wilderness of Whiteshell Provincial Park! Our experienced volunteer trip leaders will guide you through a day-long canoe trip to the Mantario Wilderness Cabin, where you can settle in for a week of learning, exploring and relaxing, before making the journey back to civilization. Each trip features a unique theme such as astronomy, yoga, botany, and more. All trips include use of Nature Manitoba's canoes, paddles, and safety equipment. Accommodations and food are provided.
Summer Program Rates
Weekday trips begin Monday and return Friday. Weekend trips begin Friday and return Monday. Cost Includes: Meals, accommodation, canoes, leadership and Mantario T-shirt.
Member: $390 per week, $315 for weekend trips.
Non-Member: $425 per week, $340 for weekend trips.
Students age 18 and older (with a valid student ID): $390 per week, $315 for weekend trips.
Children/youth age 8 to 17 on Mantario Living Week: $145 per week. Must be accompanied by parent/guardian.
Early-Bird Discount: Save $40 if you register prior to June 1st (for adults, members and students – not children).
Interested in the member rate? Renew or purchase your Nature Manitoba annual membership here before registering.
Summer Program Trips
The next season of Mantario canoe trips have not been scheduled, please view our archive of past Mantario Summer Program for an idea of the trips offered. Check back in the early spring for more information.
Register for the Mantario Summer Program
Registration for the 2024 summer program is now full. Please contact us at mantariosummerprogram@naturemanitoba.ca if you would like to be added to a waiting list for a trip.
Please note: These trips involve paddling and portaging up to 8 hours. Novice paddlers will be paired with more experienced paddlers but will need to be able to paddle consistently and carry packs over the portages. Please review the registration information carefully when filling out your form to ensure this is the right trip for you.
A $50 deposit per person is required at the time of registration, and full payment is required 14 days prior to the trip.
Refund and Cancellation Policy: The $50 deposit is non-refundable, unless the trip is cancelled by Nature Manitoba. If you cancel your registration less than 14 days before a trip, you will receive a 70% refund of the trip fee or you may transfer to a subsequent trip this summer. For a family with children registered for the Mantario Living Week - if you cancel less than 14 days of the trip, you will receive a full refund of the trip fee for children and 70% refund for adults.
Nature Manitoba reserves the right to decline application to any individual as they deem appropriate and to cancel trips due to lack of enrollment. If Nature Manitoba cancels the trip, all participants will receive a full refund.
Trip registrations will automatically close 14 days before trip departure. Wait-lists will be maintained for trips that fill early. Late registrations may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Questions? Contact us at mantariosummerprogram@naturemanitoba.ca
Make an Online Payment for the Mantario Summer Program
Note: Make payments only after completing registration to ensure there is space available.
Pay $50 registration deposit here.
Pay balance owing for your registration here (please refer to registration email for amount owing).