People passionate about nature

Upcoming Workshops

Upcoming Workshops


Photo collection by Marilyn Latta, Donna Kurt, Rudolf Koes, NM staff and archives.

Workshops are back for 2025 with registration for members starting on January 1st, 2025.

Workshop dates for 2025 (Mondays): January 13, 27, February 10, March 3, 10, 31, April 7, 14. 

Registration dates

  • Registration will open to members on January 1st and to the public on January 8th, 2025.
  • Members will be emailed a promo code on December 30th, 2024 which can be used to register on January 1st, 2025.
  • Members should contact the Nature Manitoba office ( if you have an active membership and did not receive the promo code on December 30th.
  • All registrations close at 8am on the date of each workshop.

Not a member yet or need to renew your membership? Ways to join here.

Registration guidance

  • All registrations will be completed online using Eventbrite.  See this guide for additonal information
  • We ask for members to sign up for only three workshops until registration opens to the public.
  • The description of each workshop will include a link to the Eventbrite registration page for that workshop once registration opens.
  • Once you have paid, you will receive an email for each ticket purchased.  This indicates your registration is complete.
  • At the workshop you will be checked in against a list of registered ticket holders.  Feel free to bring a paper or electronic copy of your ticket - but it is not required.

FEE: $10 for Nature Manitoba members (or students), $15 for non-members (payable through Eventbrite). Refunds will not be provided due to administrative costs.

Workshops are open to children over 10, accompanied by a parent.

TIME:  7:30PM (Doors open at 7PM) Note: January 13th Mushrooms workshop only starts at 7:00pm, (Doors open at 6:30pm)

LOCATION:  Earl Grey Community Club, 360 Cockburn St. North 

Workshop Co-ordinators: Cindy Louer & Alain Louer

» Past Workshops

Upcoming Workshops



Monday, January 27, 2025


Craig McDougall

Lake Sturgeon in Manitoba: some good news about a species once thought to be endangered, and a little myth-busting The Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) is arguably Manitoba’s most interesting fish. Belonging to the ancient Acipenseridae family of fishes, it possesses extensive armoring (scutes) and four barbels that it uses to find food in the murky depths of Manitoba’s largest river systems.

Sustainable Gardening


Monday, February 10, 2025


Dave Hanson

With global warming and climate anxiety top of mind in the world today, gardening offers an opportunity to participate in climate action while also grounding us and connecting us with nature. Dave looks forward to sharing strategies that engage with these concepts, helping gardeners enjoy greater satisfaction and success while also being Earth-focused.

Aquatic Insects


Monday, March 3, 2025


Jordan Bannerman

What lurks beneath the surface: the aquatic insects of Manitoba

This workshop will highlight the incredible diversity and behaviour of aquatic insects found in the many lakes, ponds, and streams that dot this Province. Examples of insects that will be discussed include elegant silk net-weaving caddisflies, intimidating 2-inch long ‘toe-biters’, and the often-newsworthy burrowing mayflies (fishflies) that descend onto Gimli and Grand Beach each summer.

Climate Change


Monday, March 10, 2025


Curt Hull

Is it possible to heat our buildings and run our vehicles without fossil fuels? Manitoba Hydro estimates that we will need to triple our power generation to get there. Is there another way?  Manitoba’s Climate Action Team’s Road to Resilience lays out a pathway to a fossil-fuel free, climate resilient future for Manitoba without experimental technologies, new dams, or nuclear.

A Blooming Parade


Monday, March 31, 2025


Marilyn Latta

A Blooming Parade – Choosing Perennials for your Garden  

The great thing about perennial plants is that they reappear in the garden each year.  Their disadvantage is that blooming periods are restricted to only part of the gardening season and can vary from as short as a week to as long as three months.  The challenge for gardeners is to select a combination of perennials that will bloom at different times throughout the season, creating a progression of flowers that are both visually appealing and provide food for pollinators.



Monday, April 7, 2025


James Whitelaw

The spectacular movements of Canada geese in the spring and fall are perhaps the most obvious example of migration in Manitoba. Our extreme continental climate means that migration is a vital part of the life cycle of much of our wildlife.  This presentation will explore migration in birds and other animals.



Monday, April 14, 2025


Ward Christianson & Marlene Waldron

Tricky Sparrow Ids

This workshop will key in on those Manitoba sparrows that cause experienced birders to take a closer look. We will delve into the details of identification which are needed in the field to separate individuals from each other. Join Ward and Marlene in this workshop if you are wanting to take the next step in sparrow identification.