(You may also download a PDF of the Stewart Lake canoe route)
Launch A: Experimental Lakes Road
The launch site is about 4 km from highway #17. There is a sign on the highway indicating the experimental lakes road. You have to cross railway tracks on the way to the site. The launch is in the bottom of small valley where a creek enters Lower Stewart from the west. A bit of water walking may be necessary in low water years.
Launch B: Stewart Lake Resort
The launch site is at the end of Stewart Lake Resort’s bush road to its float plane base. The resort itself is on Highway 17. There is a parking area just north of the railway tracks. There is a daily fee for parking. Pay at the resort.
Launch C: At end of a bush road that parallels the railway line (not marked on map)
Just south of the railway tracks on the experimental lake road, there is a bush road that goes downhill eastward. The road ends in the north bay of Lower Stewart (the bay north of the long south channel to Geejay). The issue with this launch site is road conditions in rainy weather.
P0: Narrows between Upper and Lower Stewart lakes
A creek connects Upper to Lower Stewart lake. The narrows is shallow and a bit rocky. There is a dilapidated bridge at the narrows.
Portage P1 (about 500 m): Upper Stewart to Winnange
The Upper Stewart landing is at a small beach. The trail is good until the last 100 m. Then it drops at a steep angle towards Winnange. The trail there is boulder-strewn and an ankle buster or worse. There is a bypass of the worst part a bit downhill on the north side. The bypass is also steep but is free of serious boulder problems. The main trail ends in a swamp area that has an old beaver dam (requires lift over). You can avoid the lift over if you go east on a side trail that ends where a motor boat is stored.
Portage P2 (about 400 m): Winnange to Crabclaw
The trail is narrow. There are a few places where rock shelves make the walk somewhat difficult. The trail ends in a swampy pond that connects to Crabclaw.
Portage P3 (about 450 m): Winnange to Manowin (parallels the Eagle River)
The Winnange landing is at a small beach. The trail is a very nice walk. The issue is at the Manowin end. There are two areas to put in the canoe. Area #1 is just up from where the drop in the Eagle River begins. In low water conditions, this area has boulder and shallow water problems. Area #2 is further down the trail. Landing/launching the canoe here is easier than at area #1.
Portage P2a (200 m): Crabclaw to Eagle
The trail is a reasonable walk. Portages P2 and P2a offer a different path to Eagle Lake (and subsequently to Teggau Lake). This route is shorter in paddling distance than the WinnangeEagle route to Teggau. It can be the preferred way if the winds on Winnange are bad.
The site on the island (at its east end point) is a nice place to camp. It will hold a medium size group. The beach site is usually in clean condition (surprised?). It will hold large groups. The site at the portage landing P3 is okay for a small group.
The map that shows the continuation of the route from Winnange to Crabclaw to Eagle lakes.
Portage P1a (about 200 m): Lower Stewart to Geejay
The trail parallels the Eagle River. The landings at either end are not good. The Geejay landing is the worst - boulder strewn and shallow.
Portage P1b (about 200 m): Geejay to Manomin
The trail parallels the Eagle River. It has a swampy section, a steep section, and a root-strewn section. Other than that, the trail is reasonable. You can launch the canoe in the tiny pond that is just after the small falls. You can then canoe downstream unhindered until the last 30 metres where there are rapids. Depending on the type of canoe you have and water levels, you might enjoy this much shorter way to “do” the portage.
Portage P1c (about 350 m): Geejay to Sunset Lake
The Geejay landing is awkward (rock shelf area). The trail is good walking, with boardwalk over wet sections. The trail follows the experimental lakes road for a short distance (walk to the right when coming from Geejay) and then drops down to Sunset Lake (uncertain about its name) and ends in a swampy area. There likely is a boat stored there.
The site in Geejay just south of portage P1a will hold a medium size group. The non-tenting area is excellent but the tenting area is “bumpy”. The site in Manomin on the south side of the large island is excellent (flat sandy area sprinkled with red pine). It will hold a large group.
Portage P4 (about 80 m): Winnange to Eagle (parallels Eagle River)
The Winnange landing is okay but usually has a number of boats stored there. The Eagle landing is okay but not wide. The trail is good except for the last 30 metres at the Eagle end. There the trail has a short steep section.
Portage P5 (about 450 m): Eagle to Teggau
You have to paddle upstream on Teggau Creek for about 1 km to reach the portage landing. The trail parallels Teggau Creek. It is wettish at the Eagle end. The first half of the trail is somewhat difficult, boulder and root strewn but not overly steep. In wet years, the creek overflows onto the trail, making walking a non-dry experience. The second half of the trail is much better. The landing in Teggau is reasonable.
Both marked sites are excellent and able to hold large groups. There are a couple of campsites south of the marked west campsite that can hold small to medium size groups. These are okay sites.
Portage P6 (about 400 m): Teggau towards Dryberry
The first of two portages that take you to Point Lake which connects directly to Dryberry Lake. The portage is a reasonable walk.
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