People passionate about nature

Articles & Announcements

Gardens Designed To Go To Seed!

Many of us garden to enjoy the foods or fruits of our labours, and to have beautiful blooms to admire that attract pollinators.  But the Living Prairie Museum’s native plant plots are designed with one purpose in mind - to go to seed! 

Begun several years ago, on a previously disturbed site along the northeastern edge of the Living Prairie Museum (LPM), the project was completed this fall.  Thirty-seven species of native tall grass prairie wildflowers (or forbs) have been planted and many seeds have already been harvested.

2025 Workshops

Workshop are Mondays on the following dates: January 13, 27 February 10, March 3, 10, 31, April 7, 14.

FEE: $10 for Nature Manitoba members (or students), $15 for non-members (payable through Eventbrite). Refunds will not be provided due to administrative costs.

Workshops are open to children over 10, accompanied by a parent.

Nature Manitoba Scholarship at University of Manitoba

Nature Manitoba established a modest scholarship fund several years ago in 1983 at the University of Manitoba to support annually a graduate student in Biological Sciences.

In the catalogue of scholarships on the U of M website our scholarship is currently described as: “ Awarded to a student who has graduated from a University in Manitoba and who, in the following September either enters or continues with a graduate program in Biological Sciences.”

Winter Discovery Evenings

Nature Manitoba is pleased to offer our Discovery Evening program! Every fall and winter, Nature Manitoba offers a series of indoor presentations featuring guest speakers on relevant, local, nature-related topics.  Nature Manitoba follows all provincial health orders and masks are recommended but optional at indoor activities.

Discovery Evenings take place on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm at Westworth United Church at 1750 Grosvenor Avenue (in-person only).
